Friday 19 October 2018



  1. Answer :
    Memory Management is a crucial role in every operating system. Memory management is there are many types such as 1. Storage memory Management 2. I/O Memory Management etc
  2. Answer :
    The process of removing rust dust, dirt, scales and old prints from the old surface using compressed air is called sand blasting.
  3. Answer :
    MESI is a Cache Coherency protocol used in multi-processor systems to indicate the state in which the data in the cache of a particular processor is. It stands of Modified, Exclusive, Shared and Invalid
  4. Answer :
    1. Instruction Fetch Stage
    2. Instruction Decode Stage
    3. Instruction Execution Stage
    4. Memory Stage
    5. Write Back
  5. Answer :
    Architecture refers most directly to the built environment,  the structures humans create and occupy. While buildings are one type of architecture artifact, other objects also document the built environment. These objects include photographs, drawings, or paintings of buildings. They also  may be blueprints, building codes, furnishings, or written descriptions of physical spaces (such as architectural guidebooks or decorating manuals). 
    1. Answer :
      Pipeline is a process where a business object goes through several stages asynchronously. Where one stage picks up processes and drops it for the next process to pick up. The hazard is when the a different thread of the same process picks up the business object leads to malfunction. This can be handled by status handling or scan delays.
    2. Answer :
      Race conditions is a severe way crashing the server/ system at times. Generally this problem arises in priority less systems or the users who has eqal priority will be put to this problem. Race condition is a situation in which a resource D is to be serviced to a process A and the processB which holds the resoure C is to be given to the process A. So a cyclic chain occurs and no way the resources will be get shared and also the systems with equal prirority wont get the resoure so that the system wont come out of the blocked state due to race condition!
    3. Answer :
      Fork lift truck are designed to handle heavy loads.
    4. Answer :
      The procedure of analyzing job for the specific purpose of finding the hazards and developing .
    5. Answer :
      • Sec.'6' Registration of a factory.
      • Sec.'11' Cleanliness.
      • Sec.'13' Ventilation and temperature.
      • Sec.'17' Lighting.
      • Sec.'18,19' Drinking water and sanitary.
      • Sec.'23' Employment of young person on dangerous mechanical.
      • Sec.'28' Hoist and lifts.
      • Sec.'29' Lifting machines and tackles.
      • Sec.35' protection of eyes.
      • Sec.'36' Precaution against danger furmes.
      • Sec.'36(A)' Use of portable electric light.
      • Sec.'38' Protection in case of fire.
      • Sec.'40(A)' Maintenance of building.
      • Sec.40(B)' Safety officers duty.
      • Sec.'45' First aid boxes.
      • Sec.'111' Obligation of workers.
    6. Answer :
      1. Fall of person from top and getting injured.
      2. Fall of objects from top and below person injury.
      3. Fall of materials from top and damaged.
      4. Person fall into excavated pit.
      5. Collapse of soil and below person get injury or may.
      6. Damage of UG cables and sewage pipe.
      7. Collapse of scaffolding and person fall from height, get injury.
      8. Electrical shock.
      9. Fire and explosion.
      10. Burn injury.
      11. Health and lung problems.
      12. Snakes bite.
      13. Poisonous gas.
      14. Foreign body in eye.
    7. Answer :
      Health, safety, welfare, hours of work, employment, person, occupational disease, special provision and penalties and procedures.
    8. Answer :
      It is protection of living beings under electro charging by fast isolation from the live conductor to avoid permanent disability or death.
    9. Answer :
      • Barricade the area
      • Remove all un-necessary persons away from site
      • Check radiation level with dosimeter
      • Use lead shields
      • Put a sign board
      • Risk tissue damaged
      • Use special filter glass
      • Use lead coated aprons
    10. Answer :
      Lathe is an equipment use for cutting, threading, millingor facing etc.
    11. Answer :
      Grinder is a portable machine with a wheel guard in position to reduced the danger.
    12. Answer :
      The factory act is a social enactment to achieve social reform and given liberal construction to achieve legislative.
    13. Answer :
      • Mandatory.
      • Information.
      • Fire or explosion.
      • Caution.
      • Wiring.
    14. Answer :
      The maximum proportion of vapour, gasses and dust in air above which proposal the flame does not occur on contact with a source of ignition is called UEL.
    15. Answer :
      Marking a hole or tunnel by digging the ground by man or machine is called excavation.
    16. Answer :
      Inherent property of a substance or an occurrence which has potential to cause loss or damage property, person or environment.
    17. Answer :
      1. They are not to be dragged or dropped.
      2. They should be stored in dry and well ventilated places.
      3. Chins and slings should not be used for lifting cylinders.
      4. the caps of the cylinders should not be removed when they are not the use.
      5. Cylinders should not be stored near hot sources.
      6. Acetylene cylinders should not be stored horizontally.
      7. Empty cylinders and fully cylinders should be stored separately.
      8. Leakage cylinders removed to open space and release the gas without getting ignited.
    18. Answer :
      1. It should be erected on levels firm ground.
      2. It erected by trained / skilled person.
      3. It is constructed using metal pipes and wooden boards.
      4. It should be design and constructed from good and sound material.
      5. Not to be erected on loose earth.
      6. Clamps should fixed.
      7. Properly bracing.
      8. Sole plate is necessary the base of vertical pipe.
    19. Answer :
      The minimum concentration of vapour, gasses and dust in air below which propagation of flame does not occur on contact with a source of ignition is called LEL.
    20. Answer :
      An area which is small and enclosed or an area where one entry and exits or where a man cannot work comfortable in any location is caused confined space.
    21. Answer :
      Caching is often considered as a performance-enhancement tool than a way to store application data. If u spends more server resources in accessing the same data repeatedly, use caching instead. Caching data can bring huge performance benefits ,so whenever u find that u need to frequently access data that doesn't often change, cache it in the cache object and your application's performance will improve.
    22. Answer :
      Latches are Level Sensitive, while Flip-Flops are Edge Sensitive. A positive level latch is transparent to the positive level (enable), and it lathes the final input before it is changing its level (i.e. before enable goes to '0' or before the clock goes to -ve level.
      A positive edge flop will have its output effective when the clock input changes from '0' to '1' state ('1' to '0' for negedge flop) only.
    23. Answer :
      When considering the reconstruction of a signal, we are familiar with the idea of the Nyquist rate. This concept allows us to find the sampling rate that will provide for perfect reconstruction of our signal. If we sample at too low of a rate (below the Nyquist rate), then problems will arise that will make perfect reconstruction impossible - this problem is known as aliasing. Aliasing occurs when there is an overlap in the shifted, periodic copies of our original signal's FT, i.e. spectrum.
    24. Answer :
      Bus contention occurs when more than one memory module attempts to access the bus simultaneously. It can be reduced by using hierarchical bus architecture.
    25. Answer :
      Caching can be done with so many ways like page caching, output caching etc. With ASP.NET, we can achieve this efficiently and by using CLR, which shows a direct impact on the Caching feature in .NET technology.

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