Friday 19 October 2018

Foundation Framework

Foundation Framework interview questions

  1. Answer :
    Foundation is a front-end framework that is for designing beautiful responsive websites. This framework is compatible with all types of devices and provides you with HTML, CSS and JavaScript plug-in.
  2. Answer :
    Features of foundation are:
    • It has powerful grid system.
    • It provides responsive design.
    • Supports mobile first approach.
    • It provides UI components and cool JavaScript plug-ins.
    • It provides customizable and extensible HTML templates.
  3. Answer :
    ZURB Template: Combination of JavaScript, CSS/SCSS, Handlebars template, image compression, markup structure, and uses SASS processing.
  4. Answer :
    Features of Flex Grid are:
    • Importing
    • Advanced Sizing
    • Responsive Adjustments
    • Column Alignment
    • Source Ordering
    • Sass Reference
  5. Answer :
    Types of form elements are:
    • Form Basics
    • Help Text
    • Label Positioning
    • Inline Labels and Buttons
    • Custom Controls
    • SASS Reference
  6. Answer :
    Types of plugins used in Foundation are:
    • Abide
    • Equalizer
    • Interchange
    • Toggler
    • Sticky
  7. Answer :
    Abide is a type of plug-in which is used in the in the HTML5 form validation library with native API using the required attributes and patterns.
  8. Answer :
    Toggle is a type of plug-in that is used to switch from one setting to another.
  9. Answer :
    Breadcrumb is used to specify the current location for a site within navigational hierarchy.
  10. Answer :
    Drilldown Menu is a plug-in which is used to create submenus in main menu in the slider format.
    1. Answer :
      Accordion Menu is used to display the collapsible menu with accordion effects. Accordion Menu also provides support for auto collapse using the Accordion Menu plug-in.
    2. Answer :
      Magellan is used to create a navigation which is in a fixed position.
      It is also used to track the navigation list on a page.
    3. Answer :
      By using the following code: $ npm install motion-ui --save-dev.
    4. Answer :
      HAMBURGER is used for creating menu icon with the following parameters (width, height, number of bars and colors).

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