Friday 19 October 2018

Building Construction Interview Questions and Answers

Building Construction Interview Questions and Answers

  1. Answer :
    Lower properly using a hand line, or empty down a chute.
  2. Answer :
    1. Warning notices must be displayed warning personnel of the fragile roof condition.
    2. Crawling boards or ladders must be used when working on fragile roofs.
  3. Answer :
    Crawling boards or ladders must be used when working on a sloping roof.
  4. Answer :
    Poor Housekeeping.
  5. Answer :
    To prevent articles falling off the scaffold platform, or persons slipping or rolling out under the guard rail.
    1. Answer :
      A Safety Helmet
    2. Answer :
      As a protection against falling objects, and striking the head on structures.
    3. Answer :
      1. Use of Safety Nets.
      2. Use of Safety Belts.
    4. Answer :
      18 years.
    5. Answer :
      1. Answer :
        1. Fenced off.
        2. Warning notice.
      2. Answer :
        1. Before use.
        2. After exposure to weather conditions which may affect it
      3. Answer :
        Not greater than 1.2m and not less than 0.95m.
      4. Answer :
        Adequate preventative measures to protect persons.
      5. Answer :
        1. They should wear life jackets.
        2. A boat should be kept near by.
      6. Answer :
        1. Vision must not be obscured.
        2. Prevent burns from hot steam.
      7. Answer :
        It can only be used for non-routine, exceptional work.
      8. Answer :
        The CSCS card in Basic Scaffolding.
      9. Answer :
        1. On each occasion before being taken into use.
        2. After being substantially added to.
        3. After exposure to severe weather conditions.
        4. After being struck by any equipment.
      10. Answer :
        They should look out for: basements, drains or patches of soft ground which could give way when loads are placed upon them.
      11. Answer :
         6" or 150 mm.
      12. Answer :
        The Safe Working Load of the scaffold.
      13. Answer :
        110 Volts.
      14. Answer :
        1. A well maintained First Aid Box.
        2. Have somebody trained in First Aid.
      15. Answer :
        1. A dead mans handle.
        2. In case the operator trips or falls.
      16. Answer :
        1. To identify all workers at possible risk.
        2. So that appropriate corrective action can be taken.
      17. Answer :
        Safe Pass is a one-day safety awareness programme aimed at all who work on Construction sites. It is a legal requirement under Regulation 25 of Construction Regulations 2006.
      18. Answer :
        The Safe Pass Programme is aimed at all construction site personnel, including new entrants, to ensure that they have a basic awareness of health and safety.
      19. Answer :
        1. Crocidolite (Blue). Amosite (Brown). Chrysotile (White)
        2. White - Brown - Blue.
      20. Answer :
        1. Raise the standard of safety awareness in the construction industry
        2. Ensure that all site personnel undergo basic health and safety awareness training
        3. Maintain a register of personnel who have received health and safety training.
        4. To provide all participants with a FAS Safe Pass registration card, indicating that the holder has attended a formal course in health and safety awareness.
      21. Answer :
        1. Improved Safety Culture.
        2. Reduction in accidents on site.
        3. Reduction in lost time due to accidents.
        4. Improve employee morale.
        5. Identification of personnel with recognised training.
      22. Answer :
        1. Construction drawings, specifications and bills of quantities, used and produced throughout the construction process
        2. The general design criteria
        3. Details of the equipment and maintenance facilities within the structure
        4. Maintenance procedures and requirements for the structure
        5. Manuals, certificates, produced by specialist contractors and suppliers typically in respect of lifts, electrical and mechanical installations and window cleaning
        6. Details of the location and nature of utilities and services, including emergency and firefighting systems.
      23. Answer :
        1. The alignment and support of the standards.
        2. The straightness of the ledgers.
        3. The adequacy of the bracing.
        4. Security of any ties to a building.
        5. The tightness of lashings or couplers.
        6. The platforms for support, security, and soundness.
        7. The guard rails and the boards.
        8. The security of ladders.
      24. Answer :
        1. Careless handling of the tool
        2. Firing projectiles into unsuitable materials.
        3. Ricochets of the projectiles from the surface of the material.
        4. Use of gun with unauthorised people in the area.
        5. Being used adjacent to gas pipes or electrical wiring.
        6. Firing projectiles into brittle or weak materials.
        7. Firing projectiles into hardened steel or stone.
        8. Using the incorrect strength of cartridge for the job.
      25. Answer :
        1. Advise the contractor on how to comply with relevant statutory provisions
        2. Exercise general supervision of the compliance with relevant statutory provisions
        3. Promote safe conduct at work generally
        4. Co-operate with any Safety Advisor appointed under statutory provisions in relation to safety, health and welfare at work on the project.
      26. Answer :
        1. Caisson Dam.
        2. By air pressure.
      27. Answer :
        A Cofferdam.
      28. Answer :
        1. It should not exceed three times the smaller width at the base.
        2. It should not exceed 12 metres.
        3. If over 9.5 metres it should be tied to the structure.
      29. Answer :
        The plan should be reviewed as work progresses and updated as necessary.
      30. Answer :
        1. the design process and
        2. the construction stage
      31. Answer :
        The avoidance of smoking or naked flames.
      32. Answer :
         It should have:
        1. wheels which can be locked
        2. brakes that work
        3. out riggers for stability
        4. an internal fixed ladder for safe access.

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